Thursday, October 9, 2008

2008 Wildlife Conservation Network Expo in San Francisco

Hello all, Arun here. This past weekend was a blast. I, along with a few other Oakland Zoo staff members, chaperoned the Teen Wild Guides on a group trip to the 2008 Wildlife Conservation Network Expo in San Francisco. I had been looking forward to this event all year, after having met dozens of wildlife conservation heroes, including Jane Goodall, at the Expo I attended with the TWGs in 2007.

While Jane wasn’t there this time around, there was no shortage of incredible people who have dedicated their lives to protecting animals and educating people about the need for conservation. There were many groups present, all with tables set up in the lobby of the Mission Bay Conference Center, selling stickers, T-shirts, patches, and other arts and crafts from around the world for people to buy in order to help support their cause.

This event is a wonderful chance for those who care about wildlife and conservation to get together, to share stories, and to discuss solutions. It’s a chance to be inspired by others who are dedicated to the same cause: to protect the creatures that share our world from the detriments of humanity’s irresponsibility. We heard lectures from Greg Rasmussen and Peter Blintston of Painted Dog Conservation about their struggles to save the African wild dog in Zimbabwe. We learned about the eco mochila community projects started by Rosamira Guillen and the folks at Proyecto Tití, who work tirelessly in the beautiful yet threatened forests of Colombia to protect the cotton-topped tamarin. These were just two of the many organizations in attendance, which included such dedicated groups as the Andean Cat Alliance, the Cheetah Conservation Fund, the Saiga Conservation Alliance, along with many others.

Painted Dog Conservation about to present.

Dr. Mauro Lucherini of the Andean Cat Alliance presenting his group's education initiatives.

The event was a success, and left me with recharged batteries, ready to attend to the problems that our planet faces with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. You can’t help but to be inspired and encouraged to do your part, whatever that may be, after learning about the beauty that exists on our planet and the threats that animals and ecosystems are currently facing. To find out more about the Wildlife Conservation Network and to support the conservation groups they support around the globe, click here.

Hope to see you at the 2009 WCN Expo!

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